Our Members
More than 25 companies and institutions have joined forces in the Future Cluster nanodiag BW to rapidly bring epigenetic research using nanopore technology into practical application. These are our members.
Our Innovation
in Nanopore Research
The Future Cluster Nanodiag BW connects multidisciplinary actors from universities, research institutions, and companies. Our expertise spans from basic natural sciences and materials science to nanotechnology, microelectronics, microfluidic analytics, and clinical medicine.
The innovation network is open to collaborations and the involvement of new participants!
Actome GmbH develops assay kits and software based on its proprietary Protein Interaction Coupling (PICO) technology. In the “Interactome Profiler” project, Actome is developing innovative PICO reference assays for the quantitative analysis of post-translational modifications (PTM) and protein-protein interactions (PPI).
Actome acts as technology supplier and commercialiser.
AIXTRON will work on the scientific aspects and the special requirements of epitaxy (in this case Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition [MOCVD]) of sophisticated transition metal based structures (TMD) for applications in nanopore technology for molecular diagnostics.
AMO contributes expertise in the synthesis, transfer and nanostructuring of 2D materials, in particular graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and adapts the related manufacturing techniques for the application in a solid-state nanoporeanalyzer.
With its expertise in machine learning and sequence data analysis, Computomics will contribute to the identification of biomarkers and implement and provide a resource that can visualise the genomic, epigenomic, transcriptional and phenotypic patient data and the correlations between these data. This will serve all collaborative partners and the public for interactive further research and interpretation of the generated data and their visualisation for possible publications.
With its expertise in machine learning and sequence data analysis, Computomics will contribute to the identification of biomarkers and implement and provide a resource that can visualise the genomic, epigenomic, transcriptional and phenotypic patient data and the correlations between these data. This will serve all collaborative partners and the public for interactive further research and interpretation of the generated data and their visualisation for possible publications.
Eurofins Genomics will contribute to assay development of basic microfluidic operations, as well as the development and validation of an automated high-throughput reference workflow for very small sample volumes.
The Fraunhofer Institute is working on analysing MD data (ab-initio interactions between peptides and pore surfaces). The IWM also creates multiscale models for signal prediction.
The work of Prof Schiller’s group focuses on the development and (bio)synthesis of complex molecular systems for adaptive membrane. These systems enable the selective reconstitution and sensitive analysis of biological nanopores.
The manyfold contributions of Hahn-Schickard cover work on solid state nanopores, CMOS based signal amplification, nanopore functionalisation, assay development, and microfluidic automation . as well as innovation support, public relations, and cluster management.
The ILM is investigating the fabrication of laser-induced solid-state nanopores. After analyzing the requirements, the process will be established and further developed with the help of a modular confocal microscope setup to be implemented. The characterized solid-state nanoporeswill then be made available to the project partners.
Ionera’s work focuses on the realisation of an experimental environment for the characterisation of biomimetic membranes and on the realisation of a chip functional model for the automated reconstitution of individual biological nanopores. In addition, Ionera is working on the modification of solid-state nanopores, particularly with regard to wettability. It includes the design of a measuring cartridge and integration of high-performance redox electrodes.
Based on mass spectrometry technology, Moleqlar Analytics has been analysing post-translational modifications of proteins since 2018. The company actively contributes this expertise together with further developments in the field of automated sample preparation and the application area of epigenetics.
The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics is an interdisciplinary research institution that conducts basic research in two key areas of modern biology: Immunobiology and Epigenetics. Central questions address the molecular basis of cell type identities, as they are regulated during immune cell differentiation, metabolic response and epigenetic chromatin adaptation.
As a project partner, its Proteomics Core Facility is developing affinity methods to provide peptides with specific sequence variations or modifications. These methods aim to isolate individual peptides or peptide families from highly complex biological and clinical samples, making them accessible for bionanopore analysis.
Nanion develops and produces analysis systems for ion channels and biological nanopores. Microstructured chip substrates are used for electrophysiological measurements. AlsoNanion contributes expertise with regard to electrical measurement technology for nanopores and will also contribute to the fluidic and electrical integration of nanopores in diagnostic systems.
Nanotemper Technologies develops technologies and workflows for the screening of aerolysin mutants. These mutants, as well as their biophysical and biochemical properties, are characterised by NanoTemper using advanced biophysical instruments.
Q-Bios develops DNA polymerases, enzymes and reaction conditions for isothermal detection reactions under high-salt conditions in the context of nanopore analysis.
The group of Prof. Fyta simulates nanopore materials and the detection of DNA and proteins with these and uses Machine Learning algorithms for processing nanopore signals and develop read-out protocols.
Sciomics uses the antibody microarray platform “scioDiscover” to investigate around 1,300 biomedically highly relevant proteins. For the identification of post-translational protein modifications in the context of non-invasive diagnostics Sciomics extends the analytical possibilities by a highly parallel screening of modifications such as methylation and acetylation and thereby contributes a world-leading multiplex platform for an antibody-based search for protein biomarker candidates.
Signatope contributes immunoaffinity mass spectrometry for protein quantification, the generation of binders with a library of more than 400 antibodies and the development and validation of assays.
The Steinbeis Europa Zentrum coordinates the continuation of the joint cluster and R&D strategy with the overall objective to focus the scientific and technological developments and to accelerate the innovation process. In addition to analysing relevant markets and carrying out foresight activities, the expansion of the value creation network is a central task of the cluster.
Temicon is developing new manufacturing methods for picoliter well arrays and uses the resulting microfluidic chips to explore electrical contacting of the novel well arrays.
Trenzyme will develop production processes from gene to protein for various demanding targets in different expression systems to support the project partners with high-quality engineered protein material and to ensure the long-term supply after successful completion of the project.
The group of Prof. Behrends works on membrane physioloy & technology using e.g.electrophysiology, fluorescence spectroscopy, site-directed mutagenesis, and protein purification.
The group of Prof. Einsle works on biochemistry using e.g. protein biochemistry & crystallisation, X-ray diffractometry, cryo-electron microscopy, spectroscopy, and calorimetry.
The group of Prof. Krossing works on complex and molecular chemistry, providing weakly coordinating anions adjustable in size as “molecular rulers” for the determination of pore sizes.
The group of Prof. Reiter works on experimental polymer chemistry using e.g. optical microscopy, AFM, STM, Langmuir-Trouth, ellipsometry, angular X-ray diffraction, UV/VIS spectrometry, and differential calorimety.
The group of Prof. Zengerle works on applications of MEMS using e.g. micro/nano dispensing, volumetrics, 3D-printing, and simulation-based microfluidic designs.
The group of Prof. Backofen works on bioinformatics, using e.g. deep sequencing, biopolymer structure prediction & visualisation, and machine learming.
In collaboration with Prof. Fyta (RWTH Aachen), the group of Prof. Holm is developing a software framework using machine learning methods that enables fast and reliable recognition of protein sequences.
Molecular dynamic simulation methods will be used to model the translocation process of the peptide within the biological nanopore at the atomistic level and to better study the interactions that occur between the peptide and the pore. To this end, a multiscale model is being developed together with Prof. Walter (Freiburg).
The research group of Prof. Nussberger is investigating the assembly kinetics of different biological nanopore variants and the development of methods for inserting individual nanochannels into membranes. Methodologically, the aim is to visualize the assembly and integration process in artificial lipid membranes optically at the single molecule level.
The University Clinic Freiburg contributes a wide range of clinical expertise especially in the fields of medical epigenetics and oncology, e.g. clinically-relevant tasks, patient samples collection tissue, cells, blood, processing of clinical samples – and last but not least, the direct contact to patients.
The group of Prof. Becker contributes their expertise on T-cells: The work aims to use recently developed innovative analytical methods to identify novel epigenetic biomarkers for precision oncology and establish them as part of personalized medicine in the long term.
The group of Prof. Schüle contributes their expertise on epigenetics, especially KMT9 monomethylates H4K12 and control proliferation of prostate cancer cells. This will allow for in vitro assays for the analysis of cancer-relevant histone H4 methylation by KTM 9 (H4K12).
The group of Prof. Schilling contributes their expertise on proteomics, especially translational proteomics (system integration for the analysis of histone modifications in biological samples).