Innovative Retreat 2024: Input, Exchange, and Networking at Schloss Hohenfels
From 30 September to 3 October 2024, over 70 members of nanodiag BW gathered at Schloss Hohenfels in the south of Baden-Württemberg for an intensive four-day retreat. In a peaceful, picturesque setting, scientists and engineers from various disciplines, universities, and industry met to present their latest research in protein analysis using nanopores and to discuss potential applications in cancer diagnostics.
The presentations and discussions highlighted the innovative strength and dedication of our cluster members. The detailed presentations covered the full range of our key topics:
- From Pore to Assay: a Value Chain in Progress
- Analyte-Pore Interaction: Insights from Mutagenesis, Statistical Analysis and Molecular Dynamics
- Data Analysis
- Solid State Nanopores
- Presentation of Innovative Leap & Blue-Sky Projects
- Membrane Formation
- Clinical Use Cases for Nanopore Diagnostics
- Protein Interaction Coupling for Nanopores
- Electrical-Optical Approaches to Nanopore Sensing

“I was impressed by the progress and the intense, transdisciplinary collaboration. The retreat helped us bring together all the small and large elements into a cohesive whole. We greatly enjoyed the venue, Schloss Hohenfels, which offered an impressive historical backdrop and delicious culinary delights.”
Felix von Stetten, Spokesperson nanodiag BW
Younger members also had numerous opportunities to network with leading scientists, successful founders, and entrepreneurs. Additional space for intensive conversations and professional exchange was provided by the extensive poster session. A special highlight was the guest lecture by Janina Belke from bwcon, who gave valuable insights into start-up support, innovation management, and the creation of successful spin-offs. Another highlight was the social dinner on the second evening. An entertaining pub quiz created a relaxed atmosphere and encouraged deeper connections and personal interactions.
“Great input, excellent exchange, many new ideas, and simply an intense time together – that was Hohenfels 2024.”
Hanna Hasselblatt, Clustermanager nanodiag BW
As part of the clusters4future initiative, nanodiag BW gathered valuable new insights at the retreat for further developing the cluster strategy and took an important step towards realising nanopore technology in clinical diagnostics. The innovation network is advancing the transfer of ideas, knowledge, and technology from science to everyday life.